नकार दो थोपी हुई आस्तिकता को। इसका तम्हारे जीवन में होना दर्शता है कि तुम एक समाज रूपी कारगार में मात्र एक बंधी हो। यह अज्ञान से ज्यादा हानिकारक है चूँकि एक अज्ञानी जैसा तैसे अपना जीवन निर्वाह करता है। परंतु एक थोपी हुई आस्तिकता - यह रोकती है तुम्हें वास्तविकता को समझने से। यह तुम्हें अपने भीतर छुपे सच से बहुत दूर ले जाती है। तभी Dag Hammarskjöld कहते हैं "The longest journey is the journey inward." जीवन को अनुभव तो करो। कब तक अचेतन और मूर्च्छा की अवस्था में पड़े रहोगे। यह तुम्हारा बिना जांच पडताल के हर बात में हामी भर लेना कहा की समझदारी है। Translation Reject the imposed theism. Its presence in your life shows that you are only a prisoner in the cage of society. It is more harmful than ignorance because one who is ignorant lives his life anyhow. But an imposed theism - it prevents you from understanding reality. It takes you far away from the truth hidden within you. That's why Dag Hammarskjöld says, "The longest journey is the journey inward." At least exp...
i am redhya. and this is the place where i spew out the havoc birthed by my triggered neurons in the form of words. you may or may not like my writings. however, i insist on you reading some of my works. besides that, you may leave any comments so that i can know my writings from your perspectives. s u r r e n d e r yourself before you read any posts; otherwise, these are merely some words taking their last breaths and it's impossible to resuscitate them now.