Life is a continuous interaction with the system i.e., the cosmos, and the awareness of this interaction is commonly known as consciousness. This interaction whether being abided by a set of principles or not doesn't actually affect the totality of the system. One restricting life to merely some inherited information from surrounding cultures (subsets of the system) is like keeping oneself inside certain sized spheres only. But living inside these unchanging spheres is a free will. Furthermore, it's not an inferior way to interact with the cosmos. As a matter of fact, there’s no standard way to interact. This is majorly because of two reasons: Destruction and creation are intrinsic parts of the cosmos. The totality of the cosmos vibrates between them. Death is the destruction of information; whereas, life is the creation of information. Plus, information can be passed on through events. During the transition of an entity from life to death, information also transforms. The tota...
i am redhya. and this is the place where i spew out the havoc birthed by my triggered neurons in the form of words. you may or may not like my writings. however, i insist on you reading some of my works. besides that, you may leave any comments so that i can know my writings from your perspectives. s u r r e n d e r yourself before you read any posts; otherwise, these are merely some words taking their last breaths and it's impossible to resuscitate them now.