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The Pattern and Prediction Experiment

A pattern, in respect of human behaviour, is a repetitive Action on a repetitive Perception during a repetitive State of Mind . Here, Perception and State of Mind are two important parameters. Variations in any of these two parameters may or may not yield the same result, i.e., Action . For instance, in the decimal system, you always get 4 when you multiply 2 by 2. Here, let’s say that 4 is the value of Action , and the values of Perception and State of Mind are 2. The same values of Perception and State of Mind may produce the same resulting Action . I wish human behaviour had only two basic parameters instead of two highly complex parameters ( Perception and State of Mind ). It’d become simple to understand humans and their behaviours. Thus, we would predict the response of a person in a particular situation if we knew the values of Action , Perception , and State of Mind . However, it’d make us simpleton having only a handful of responses in this cluttered space and time. W

The Night Be Sleeping in My Room

Soon the houses in the locality are engulfed in darkness; their erected silhouettes, in sodium street lamps, will haunt until the sun enlightens the basic modern architectures at dawn. Coming from a rented floor, a whistle of a pressure cooker releases some potent smell of Indian spices and herbs that might exasperate Jains living in the adjacent house. The rented floor is some bachelors’ pad. I reckon that they’ve decided to prepare rice and mutton again. Near a dump, stray dogs are warming up their vocal cords to hit the eighth note. Sometimes, their symphony makes outsiders roaming at night visit the nearest clinic. These wimpy dogs show up out of nowhere and start chasing two-wheelers, cars, or any moving things that agitate their beautiful mind. At a corner of the locality, there’s an under-construction house which is a go-to spot for some drunkards. It’s a Friday night; the drunkards have been assembled in the house again. I can hear them bickering over which political party is g

fearless 'n' naked

i wish i’d been told - if your dream asks for sacrifice, be fearless and sacrifice yourself - sacrifice every inch of your mind, body, and soul. not a chunk, not a piece but the whole. accept no mercy; be ruthless when it comes to cut yourself. i wish i’d been told - dreams are made of constant struggle and an undying hope. you have to run this marathon whether someone’s watching it or not ‘cause you rarely see sailors trumpeting their wins against sea monsters on shores. i wish i’d been told - dreams are arduous journeys abandoned by sanes only talkers know what to do; walkers remain always confused. it’s always night-time. but, son, don’t be afraid; the song in you guides you. and at the darkest hour, you’ll witness the sun rising only when you dare to open your scared eyes. i’m glad - nobody told me what i wanted to know. ‘cause of that i struggled. and i fell out of control. all battles that came my way skinned the layers i’d put on to play pleasing characters. and just beyond the


Traversing the spacetime, a wave just oscillates its entire life. Particle physics says - Oscillation is the basic movement of life. Is it because of the limitations of human perception to see the actual movement of a particle that make us hypothesize that particles merely oscillate? When curious humans try to understand the microscopic world, they disturb it to the point where its behaviour completely changes. For the time being, we can say - the universe plainly runs on vibrations. If humans were the size of Jupiter , they’d think the same about the movements of the humans living on or riding Earth . A wave rules the microscopic world. However, a wave is insignificant for the macroscopic world, unless you're a physicist whose bread and butter depends on it. A wave is part of a continuum (system) which is in order. This continuum may be a cycle that repeats itself; it ends where it begins. From afar, the continuum appears to be a small circle or a point (zero dimension). The wav

everything beautiful and haunting

cutting through winds, you, at 120 kmph , feel adrenaline kicking in one moment you alive you experience consciousness fading in. everything is slowed down even though you’re fucking flying the next moment you are to die you reduce to a point. everything is slowed down even though you’re 30 seconds away from dying you experience flashbacks - some beautiful and some haunting it’s beautifully haunting/hauntingly beautiful; how both moments are different yet so similar. everything beautiful and haunting had a differentiating line that’s been blurred since the pain, fear, and pleasure share the same tunnels/neural lines *** buy my books on amazon -  redhya

ask n answer

Ask - Every night at 3 am, You wring the nectar of pain. Extract ink, Fill a fountain pen, Write - A ritual you perform Day by day, you’re giving a piece of your life away. You word how March makes you walk alone on dead foliage. Tell me what you’ll write when the nectar dries out. Knowing that readers get amused by your pain, will you water the plant and wait for the pain to be alive again? A writer’s block makes you look at titles you couldn’t complete. Shuffling through papers filled with incomplete verses, You feel - perhaps you aren’t made for this. Tell me what you’ll write when you’ve ostentatiously served all of your metaphors to readers and now you are left with empty jars. Will you fill them with your blood, tears, or a handful of claps that they've showered on your art? Tell me what you’ll name a poem When the fear of unable to write it creeps in and you are just left with some dying thoughts/mental screams. Answer - When the nectar of pain dries out, I’ll humbly give t

deathly clouds hover over a city

Howling war cries under heavy mortar shelling to keep themselves warm, some wounded soldiers firmly hold their ground. “Hold your fire,” the captain has commanded. The longest night of their life yearns for a glimpse of the sun. A reinforcement may arrive anytime soon. But their hopeless eyes can only see home where withered lips pray for them to be safe and sound. The captain recalls a memory of telling his 7 years old son “stand for something or die for nothing.” Soon, the frequency of shelling increases and destroys everything. You tell me - did they stand for something or die* for nothing? A coal mine worker, living in a wrecked slum, wakes up at 4 am. The sun admires his strength. En route to the coal mine, He buys a bundle of beedi and gulps down a nip of moonshine He knows - his frail body may peg out any moment Coughing intermittently, he balances a coal basket on his head He probably has more coal inside his chest than in the entire mine He feels a pinching pain in his heart a