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Why Do We Exist?

WHY DO WE EXIST? This very question occurs to me once in a while; it never fails to intrigue me. Far away from the anxiety of bread and butter, lounging on bed, when I try to see the universe through my small mind and two eyes, I contemplate what made it and why it was made.  Why Do Things Exist in Nature? Oblivious to materiality, I ponder the origin of everything. The whole process of unraveling the mysteries of the universe feels as though I were freediving in a deep sea which has no bottom. We rational beings always look for a reason or a cause behind every event. Thus, we firmly support the causality principle . The principle explains the cause and effect of two or more events. For instance, one event causes another event or events. The first event is the cause of the second event or other events, and the second event or other events are the effect of the first event. As a result, looking for the cause behind the origin, I dive deep into the sea of premises to find it (conclusion)

My Season - The Beginning

I have put in my wired earphones. Listening to "I'm with you" with half an ear, I can still feel the pain in her voice in the song since I have heard it infinite times. Riding slowly my Classic 350 through a dark road densely surrounded with trees, I see a man heating peanuts by the roadside. It's common to see peasants selling heated peanuts in small shops by roadsides in winter. The man is tossing peanuts under an LED bulb that is powered by a small battery. The smell of burning coals and the shells of peanuts is gratifying. I feel like stopping by and savoring the moment. The weather is changing. Now, I feel the cold evening wind piercing through my polo t-shirts. Unlike in summer, it's peaceful. Crickets are gone and frogs as well. When the world is at peace; we can hear what our soul is saying. In this calmness, I find a way to escape uncertain reality. Well, the song ends, and I kickstart my motorbike. I have to go home now.

My Season

Walking down a narrow path covered with fallen leaves, I find calmness that I have been yearning for so long. A foggy dense thicket surrounds the wet path. I see trees that I have known since my first heartbreak. Now, they are no longer green; their leaves are turning red, orange and brown like a setting sun dispersing the hues of red. Evenings are getting colder, and days are getting shorter. As I walk towards my destination - an abandoned cabin in the woods, I can feel the temperature dipping gradually. Thus, my body shivers a little as the cold autumn wind goes by. I put in my wired earphones and play Somewhere Only We Know. I feel like diffusing in the air whispering in my ear to slow down my agitated life at this moment. This is my season, and it tells me to hibernate in the cave where, once, I burnt some memories to keep myself warm. *** If you like the way I write, you may want to try my books. Heads Up! You get awesome dark content there. Virgins’ Death: Follow The Crow V

Weed in Dehradun – A Full Report

No matter how stringent protocols related to narcotics become, you can obtain weed in Dehradun with such ease that you might think that possessing it isn’t criminal at all. As a result, in Dehradun, while passing through desolate streets, chances are h i G H that you might come across a bunch of boys toking on a joint and laughing hysterically. Besides, you may find them equipped with loads of munchies and bottles of flavoured drinks. To be honest, your presence might make them hyper-vigilant, but they won’t say no if you ask them for a couple of drags. Weed in Dehradun can be procured through various sources. However, it’s not a piece of cake to score some good quality of weed. Look through this article to get the street knowledge of weed in your own lovely Doon Valley . The Rudiments of Weed in Dehradun Before we get to the street knowledge of this psychoactive substance, let’s get some basic knowledge of weed. Weed in Dehradun is majorly available in two forms: Ganja and Charas or


You’re a particle – a tiny particle. At this very moment, if the cosmos stopped expanding and had no light, and standing at edge, you wanted to see yourself on the earth so you threw some photons from the edge of the cosmos, you would need approximately 93 billion years to see yourself as photons would reach the earth first, and then it would get reflected back to the edge of the cosmos and enter into your corneas and your occipital lobe would create a few pictures inside your head and you would recognise yourself- you’re at the centre and at the edge. An average human has the lifespan of 79 years; therefore, you would need approximately 10 billion lives just to see yourself from the edge of the cosmos that stopped expanding. However, in reality, the cosmos hasn’t stopped expanding yet, and it is expanding at 73 kilometres per second per megaparsec. Now, you can imagine how big the cosmos is. A tiny particle you are, and just like everything in space, you’re a part of a chain reaction.


Day in, day out, you work double shifts to become what you've always dreamt of becoming. Be it day or night, you always imagine yourself living that moment of success; you're on a stage, and people are clapping for you and screaming your name at the top of their voices. The moment is surreal; it brings a beautiful smile on your face. Thus, your heart starts pounding against your chest, and you feel a weird, however, exhilarating sensation all over your body as though every cell of your body were electrified.  Suddenly, the curtains close, and you come back to reality.  It's been weeks since you sat on a chair and did nothing. Now, you can't recall the last time when you watched a movie or had a long conversation with your friends and family. You try to make each second productive, because your dreams ask for it. You think - if you procrastinate, you're not serious about it; you're not putting your heart and soul into it. Moreover, you tell yourself e

Before Spirituality, Science Comes

Before taking the path to spirituality, feed your mind with science, and understand the cause and effect phenomenon of the universe. If you believe in some powers or energies that miraculously do events around you, then you're viewing the world from only one pov that's yours. The earth is filled with 4 quadrillion quadrillion bacterias, 10 billion billion ants, 500 trillion Antarctica krills, 18.6 billion domestic chickens, 7.8 billion humans, 1.4 billion cattle, 1.1 billion sheep, 3 million great whales, 0.5 million elephants, and many other living things and non-living things that can become a part of the cause and effect phenomenon. Your uncertainty is not god. The uncertainty of the occurrence of an event is not God. If you assume the existence of a superpower behind the occurrence of an event, then you ignore the existence of other living things and non-living things in the universe. Their existence influences the events happening around us. The human mind isn't capabl