WHY DO WE EXIST? This very question occurs to me once in a while; it never fails to intrigue me. Far away from the anxiety of bread and butter, lounging on bed, when I try to see the universe through my small mind and two eyes, I contemplate what made it and why it was made. Why Do Things Exist in Nature? Oblivious to materiality, I ponder the origin of everything. The whole process of unraveling the mysteries of the universe feels as though I were freediving in a deep sea which has no bottom. We rational beings always look for a reason or a cause behind every event. Thus, we firmly support the causality principle . The principle explains the cause and effect of two or more events. For instance, one event causes another event or events. The first event is the cause of the second event or other events, and the second event or other events are the effect of the first event. As a result, looking for the cause behind the origin, I dive deep into the sea of premises to find it (conclus...
i am redhya. and this is the place where i spew out the havoc birthed by my triggered neurons in the form of words. you may or may not like my writings. however, i insist on you reading some of my works. besides that, you may leave any comments so that i can know my writings from your perspectives. s u r r e n d e r yourself before you read any posts; otherwise, these are merely some words taking their last breaths and it's impossible to resuscitate them now.