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To Be Yourself

A worldwide trend is taking place, and it's been heavily influencing millennials’ lives to the core. And it‘s believed that only this trend can make their lives better and save them from feeling miserable about their existences. This trend, a belief, is: To Be Yourself, and it’s the talk of the town. Everyone wants to follow this new kind of living. Huh! This is not new. It’s an extremely old way that is being promoted by people now. Some say that we have to be confident no matter what, even though you don’t feel like it - fake it till you make it. This façade makes us look smart and learned. This thing has reached that level that now I can hear their whispers, "Be Confident. Be Confident" in my dreams too.  But people always MISUNDERSTAND the word confidence, confident, and other forms.  How can a person be confident if he doesn't know anything about the thing which people are asking him to be confident of?  Only an egotist will be confident about the thing which he

Life and Its Little Plays

Sometimes it feels that life plays with us by turning us into puppets for its fun so that it makes us, who are unaware of this dark play, dance to its tune to perform a tragic show, and we play our characters to perfection. We draw a loving image of a person in our head, and we assume that this person can never do any wrong to us. But when the beautiful image is shattered... it hurts us the most... the little pieces spread evenly on the floor. The broken image looks ugly now. However, we are the ones who are actually broken at that moment, because it's not just love - but also our belief - the strongest one - it's broken now. They confront us and give their shallow excuses for the sins they've committed. You can see right through them. Naked and real. You take your eyes off them, and their presence makes your blood boil. You look away in grief as once-the-used-to-be-beautiful image doesn't seem to be beautiful now. *** buy my books on amazon -  redhya

Mind War

“He’d been waiting for the right moment to use his perfect arrow that had divine powers. However, before he could use it, he died in a war, fighting for his realm. Thus, the arrow remained pristine. While taking his last breaths, he gave me the arrow, and before I could leave, he grabbed me by the hand and narrated an incident.” “What incident?” “He told me that once a sage had advised him not to use the best horse for a trivial war. I responded with a nod, because I believed that the sage was right. Then, he told me one last thing that the sage had told him.” “What was that?” “Your hardest war is to decide whether it’s trivial or not.” After saying this, the man narrating the story became lifeless, and the arrow was lying by his body, being in its pristine form. *** buy my books on amazon - redhya


May my words resonate ferociously and reach masses far and wide! May this reach the people who know how it feels to keep on going through hell. Having said that, it reminds me of what Winston Churchill once said, “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” Honestly, at this moment, I don’t really care about the world, except for some people: the mad people who are often misunderstood and labelled as confused, the dreamers who want to be more than just ordinary, and especially those who misunderstood the poem “The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost” for some hopeful verses. This is a declaration of support for those who are dedicatedly chasing the only thing they dream of achieving. One Dream. Because it's not easy if you come from a background where the kith and kin aren’t even remotely related to the work which you are burning the midnight oil for. And it is funny that some of them don’t even know what you even do.  Sometimes it feels like driving a car at extremely dark, s

I Read Myself

In a quest to know ourselves better, we often travel so far away from ourselves that we no longer know who we actually are. Perhaps, the man’s search for meaning set about soon after the fear of survival dwindled to the least of his concern, and he had enough time to think about the cycle of life and death. Therefore, while lounging on a recliner inside four walls with his stomach filled and penis gratified, he contemplated the meaning of life. Thereupon, this confused, curious man decides to go on a journey full of perils to seek the meaning which is often sympathetically mentioned as purpose. Pursuing something that can define his life, the man fails to notice that his journey has become an escape from people, who make him realise that he is merely a weak human, during sporadic encounters. Moreover, so certain of discovering the meaning, he deviates from the path to enlightenment time and again. Despite that, he makes constant sacrifices and gets back to the perilous journey and kee

Addictive Imagination

Imagination is one of the most fascinating words in my life. I can’t imagine my life without imagination, can I? It's a paradoxical statement. When we imagine, we start with a layer: the first layer, the seed, or the thought. The person, who is imagining, can imagine by being on the same layer, or he could create a new layer. Isn’t it wonderful to bounce on every layer of imagination until we reach the highest layer? After reaching a new layer, you are only going up and up, and far away from the root which is the base of your imagination. It is like jumping on a trampoline, and who doesn’t like to jump on a trampoline? Some may say that it becomes monotonous after some time, because you’re just aimlessly jumping on a trampoline and it is purposeless too. If this occurs to you, it means you still see things as they exist in nature and don’t think deeply about them. Create layers. Don’t see things for the sake of seeing things. Look deeper into things and events, for yo

The Deception of The Extreme Happiness

“I, the body with senses incessantly listening to the cosmos, want happiness. And when finally happiness is evoked inside my head, I ungratefully wish there could be more of it.”   Weirdly lying on a tattered sofa at a corner of my room, I was dwelling on psychology, especially human emotions. Imagine a hairball. Intertwined with manifold strings regarded as emotions, of all entangled strings, happiness was the one that intrigued me the most. Almost every human on the earth gives priority to happiness, and why one shouldn't. It’s not immoral. Besides, one whose pro-attitude gravitates to accumulate happiness should undoubtedly keep it above everything else to experience pure joy. As a result, the aforementioned shallow insight begs the question of how much happiness one needs at a time. Pondering the answer to the question, then and there, I posited - “to experience the state of infinite euphoria is what conscious beings long for”. I went about untangling the happiness string from