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Showing posts from September, 2021

changed but nothing changed

in life, everything moves fast. everything is ephemeral. rest for a while and a few moons later the fire inside supposed to rise dies bit by bit - dwindles to oblivion. i’m a soft, vivid feather floating - no agitation; no commotion, though i’m drowning deep in clear water(art). the surface and the light appear far away. strangely the guiding bubbles move towards rock bottom. “when art consumes you, let the eyes be eaten last.” on the night of winter solstice, the anxious bag of bones shivers alone. time has frozen. are memories really gone? the chattering teeth harmonically cut pleading words meant for the god within to save some scared hopes. though fallen, withered leaves have been long devoured, when i gaze into the mirror, this man has been walking down the same old path (as though the end’s been yoked with the start since the beginning). everything is changing. however, when i glance around, i find my body stuck in a ditch for ages. now paranoid, i dig the bottom, thinking it&#