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Help; You May, However

The onset of the second corona wave in India brought a series of incessant tragedies. Devastated cities mourned burning pyres with ghastly flames approaching the sky, and the world heard our cry.

*peace comes after war*

At the beginning of 2021, lives around us started to blossom again; some attempted to live the life they used to live before March 22, 2020 (Janta Curfew). Mass gatherings [because of festivals, protests, religious ceremonies, rallies, etc] normalized anti-covid behaviour. Consequently, people conjectured that perhaps the virus wouldn’t hurt them or their family. It’s a psychological issue we can’t picture our loved ones in a grieving state. But this inability of ours doesn’t make them immune to the virus. And soon janta began to disregard the covid guidelines as per their conscience and comfort. Many asymptomatic people were roaming about, unknowingly increasing the spread. Further, not isolating, people, who refused to accept that they were infected even when they had the symptoms, contributed to the never-ending crisis. Thus, the second wave happened. And it was bigger since the spread of the virus was everywhere. Besides, the virus had mutated into several other strains adapting to different environmental conditions. We had surely hoped that corona would soon go away. But the second wave massively disrupted the flow of events in the country. Several people had already lost their jobs and lives in 2020. Now, it made us realise that the first wave was nothing as compared to the latter.

Although the daily infected cases had already started to increase after February 14th, 2021, the Indian Government overlooked the situation. The priorities were to conduct successful rallies and public relations events for the upcoming election. The election rallies [in West Bengal] were absolute stupidity that a party could do. Well, they proved what they are.

They’ve been already criticised and shamed for their irreversible actions. However, the deep-seated anger because of the jobs and lives that we’ve lost makes me go berserk. When a political party has sane minds, then why they didn’t make the decision not to hold political rallies, why they didn’t work on healthcare facilities, and why did they shrug the dire situation off and let the country collapse and plead on social media for oxygen, plasma, and bed. Moreover, the Election Commission of India was sleeping during the promotional events in Bengal; it didn’t see parties breaking the protocols.

This is hypocrisy. Political parties say that they will take care of our country, but they fail to walk the talk. Winning a seat has merely become a nasty competition where often political parties forget that they can’t rule humans by killing them. The Indian economy has been nose-diving ever since the end of 2019.

I can go on and on forever, ranting against the government which failed to manage the situation of the country. In hindsight, a lot of situations could’ve been avoided. We, as an individual, also made mistakes and overloaded our under-staffed health facilities. Thus, now, we have to come forward to revive the country. Be vaccinated, be kind to others, and follow the guidelines; the country is now in your hands. Help; you may, however.
