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Harsh & Beautiful Truths of Life You Should Know Before 30

Happiness is overrated; contentment is underrated. Happiness lasts for a while; whereas, contentment can be attained at any given moment.

Life is a constant struggle; you have to keep your feet moving to be on the surface.

You always have hundreds of friends who can take you to a tavern but not one who can take you to a rehabilitation center.

A poor man’s words are a cry for help; whereas a rich man’s words become philosophy.

The sooner you lose your friends, the sooner you get success in your life.

You are never ready for marriage, child, start-up, job change, relationship, etc. At some point in your life, it becomes necessary to do it whether you’re in that particular mental state or not. You have to surrender and stop running away from these.

The only feeling that saves you from falling into a pit of miseries is gratitude.

If you can’t decide on something or choose one out of many options in your life, don’t worry or start worrying because gradually time snatches away your freedom to choose or decide and makes you dance to its tune.

Whether you are lost, confused, or failed, life always gives you a chance to overcome this.
