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deathly clouds hover over a city

Howling war cries under heavy mortar shelling to keep themselves warm,
some wounded soldiers firmly hold
their ground.
“Hold your fire,” the captain has commanded.

The longest night of their life yearns
for a glimpse of the sun.
A reinforcement may arrive anytime soon.
But their hopeless eyes can only see home
where withered lips pray for them to be safe and sound.
The captain recalls
a memory of telling his 7 years old son
“stand for something or die for nothing.”

Soon, the frequency of shelling increases
and destroys everything.
You tell me - did they stand for something or die* for nothing?

A coal mine worker,
living in a wrecked slum,
wakes up at 4 am.
The sun admires his strength.
En route to the coal mine,
He buys a bundle of beedi
and gulps down a nip of moonshine
He knows - his frail body may peg out any moment

Coughing intermittently,
he balances a coal basket on his head
He probably has more coal inside his chest
than in the entire mine

He feels a pinching pain in his heart
and falls down.
Other workers carry his body and
burn it in the coal mine.
You tell me - did he stand for something or die for nothing?

In a labour room,
an exhausted woman looks at her husband and smiles.
The deceptive arc of her lips can’t take away
the fear from her husband’s eyes

An obstetrician soon arrives and says - everything is fine,
Yet the woman feels something’s not right.

Taking the baby girl to NICU,
The obstetrician sighs - I’m sorry that we couldn’t save your wife
You tell me - did she stand for something or die for nothing?

Raised by an alcoholic mother, the boy saw his father for the last time
when he was nine.
His mother has died due to kidney failure.
The boy didn’t reckon to carry his mother’s trait to be inebriated on wine

He is 21, paddling his small boat in the oceans of trauma.
Writing and deleting a message for the 5th time, he finally sends
“Bro! Could you lend me some money? I’ll return it on time.”
He already knew what would be the answer
Having been denied for the 20th time,
he put some heroin on a silver foil.
The heroin smoke tells him - he’s better off dead.

His browser history says -
“the top ten easy ways to die.”
He asks for forgiveness and ties a rope to the ceiling fan of his hostel room.
You tell me - did he stand for something or die for nothing?

buy my books on amazon - redhya
