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Traversing the spacetime, a wave just oscillates its entire life. Particle physics says - Oscillation is the basic movement of life. Is it because of the limitations of human perception to see the actual movement of a particle that make us hypothesize that particles merely oscillate? When curious humans try to understand the microscopic world, they disturb it to the point where its behaviour completely changes. For the time being, we can say - the universe plainly runs on vibrations. If humans were the size of Jupiter, they’d think the same about the movements of the humans living on or riding Earth. A wave rules the microscopic world. However, a wave is insignificant for the macroscopic world, unless you're a physicist whose bread and butter depends on it.

A wave is part of a continuum (system) which is in order. This continuum may be a cycle that repeats itself; it ends where it begins. From afar, the continuum appears to be a small circle or a point (zero dimension). The wave takes birth at the beginning of the continuum and dies at the end of the continuum. Infinite times, the wave has taken birth, and infinite times it has succumbed to death. It's been following the same way/pattern or living the same way for a period of time that we don't know or 13.7 billion years.

However, at some point in time, a fragment of this wave somehow deviates from its path and changes the very shape of the wave. A change becomes the cause of another change; thus, the butterfly effect comes into existence. These small changes ripple and turn an ordered system into chaotic. Thus, now, the wave has unpredictable movements.

These unpredictable movements of the wave create LUCA, Last Universal Common Ancestor on Earth. It happened around 3.5 billion year ago from now, and our Earth is 4.3 billion years old. You may comprehend how much time waves took to form the first life on Earth. After the creation of the first cell, basic life forms on Earth start to become complex to enhance themselves and adjust to a changing environment. The process is slow as nature doesn’t have any competitions or desires like humans.

We perceive nature through our five basic sensory inputs - Auditory, Visual, Olfactory, Gustatory, and Somatosensory. I’m usually in awe when I realise that I’m a small part of the universe and I’m experiencing myself and the universe. It’s beautiful and haunting at the same time.

Alan Watts has said - “Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself. Through our ears, the universe is listening to its harmonies. We are the witnesses through which the universe becomes conscious of its glory, of its magnificence.”

Creations, Destruction, and Creation

Previously, in this write-up, I mentioned the wave and the continuum. Now, I want to tell you that the continuum is the cosmos that shrinks/dies and expands/originates. The wave having consciousness is we. We try hard to change the movement of the wave to change the only function of the continuum - Create, Destroy, and Create. However, the cycle is never going to change no matter how hard we try. Birth and Death is inevitable.

Big Bang - Shiva Lingam - Blackholes

Does this cycle complete the circle? Well, to be honest, I’m not sure. But, also, we can’t invalidate the fact that it is complete. However, this cycle gives us insight on life and death. Shiv Lingam is a symbolism of life on Earth. It comprises a yoni and a ling that are significant for human creation. However, it fails to cover the creation of other life forms.


Once you’ve seen the world from a distance. You’ll notice that everything is being repeated. The fundamental purpose of life is the same for everyone. Our consciousness has experienced the universe infinite times. Birth, Death, and Rebirth. Our consciousness is stuck in this cycle forever. However, we've been told Moksha or Mukti liberates you from this cycle. Where do we go when we are liberated from the basic movement of vibration.

Some questions that are unanswered:
  1. How did we enter this cycle in the first place?
  2. Is Moksha/Mukti real?
I don’t know the answers to the questions above.

What we're looking for

The four fundamental forces of nature are gravity, the weak force, electromagnetism, and the strong force. The aim of The Theory of Everything is to combine all these four forces into a single force that explains these sub-forces. However, in the universe, there may be other forces that we’re not yet aware of.
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