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fearless 'n' naked

i wish i’d been told -
if your dream asks for sacrifice,
be fearless and sacrifice yourself -
every inch of your mind, body, and soul.
not a chunk, not a piece
but the whole.
accept no mercy;
be ruthless when it comes to cut yourself.

i wish i’d been told -
dreams are made of constant struggle
and an undying hope.
you have to run this marathon
whether someone’s watching it or not
‘cause you rarely see sailors
trumpeting their wins against sea monsters
on shores.

i wish i’d been told -
dreams are arduous journeys
abandoned by sanes
only talkers know what to do;
walkers remain always confused.
it’s always night-time.
but, son, don’t be afraid;
the song in you
guides you.
and at the darkest hour,
you’ll witness the sun rising
only when you dare to open
your scared eyes.

i’m glad -
nobody told me
what i wanted to know.
‘cause of that
i struggled.
and i fell out of control.
all battles that came my way
skinned the layers
i’d put on to play pleasing characters.
and just beyond the end,
i stood naked
with the fear of nothing.

buy my books on amazon - redhya
