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Showing posts from March, 2021

between sky and land

I’ve been taking risks since I was a young kid. Running away from the neighbourhood and chasing dragonflies, I was restless like an oscillating pendulum, except I had no fix joint. Collecting fireflies in a jar at breezy nights, I’d sleep cosily in my mother’s lap. I’ve been taking risks since I was thirteen. Playing hide and seek with some bastards and hiding in an abandoned building, I started abusing nonchalantly. I’ve been taking risks since I entered college. Not giving a fuck about grades and sleeping at the last bench in a drunken state, I was debarred from giving the semester exam. I’ve been taking risks since I started doing my first job. Quitting my jobs time and again and fearing from having a monotonous life, I wrote many resignation emails. I’ve been taking risks since I learnt how to climb a ladder. Climbing up and deliberately falling, I felt alive when I was between sky and land. *** buy my books on amazon -  redhya

Blog Contents [index]

dear readers! you may go through sections and titles and decide what you want to consume today. you should find all of my posts here. the posts are arranged according to their type, under different sections: poems, proses, short stories, et cetera. trigger warnings: the content is pretty dark and may trigger some negative emotions such as existential crisis or anxiety. nevertheless, you'll certainly find some intriguing contents here. Poems some old friends unprescribed love miss you :( drunk love some old friends - aftermath the love poem dark dreams bad trip find me poetry is a lie mirrors beautiful and broken between sky and land the definition of love silenced thoughts the dead rose ask n answer everything beautiful and haunting be fearless raw divulgence an ode to kimadi thoughts sleep on pages pain travels from one to another {0} the peaceful matter things she overlooked a subconscious screams pain mother   Prose The Deception of The Euphoric Extreme Addictive Imagination I

लेटेस्ट उत्तराखंड न्यूज़ : क्रश कर के बीज फेंकता था बगल वाले प्लाट में, लहलहाते गांजे की खेती देखकर परिवार ने रिश्तेदारों से और ब्याज पर कर्ज लेकर बनाया देहरादून में मिलियन डॉलर बिजनेस।

भीड़ हमेशा उस रास्ते पर चलती है जो रास्ता आसान लगता है, लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नहीं की भीड़ हमेशा सही रास्ते पर चलती है। अपने रास्ते खुद चुनिए क्योंकि आपको आपसे बेहतर और कोई नहीं जानता। और यह बात उत्तराखंड की शीतकालीन राजधानी देहरादून के होनहार बेटे मनीष रावत ने हाल ही में साबित की है। उबाऊ काम के कारण थके-मांदे मनीष अक्सर घर पहुंचकर, अपने भविष्य के बारे में सोचते थे। वर्ष २०१६ में, ग्राफिक एरा से बी.टेक करने के बाद, आई.टी पार्क, सहस्त्रधारा रोड में, वह एक कंपनी में कस्टमर केयर एग्जीक्यूटिव के तौर पर काम कर रहे थे। आमतौर पर कॉल सेंटर में काम की शिफ्ट दिन प्रतिदिन बदलने के कारण उन्हें रात में सोने में परेशानी होती रहती थी। इस बारे में उन्होंने अपने सबसे प्रिये मित्र आलोक भट्ट को बताया। आलोक ने उन्हें हट्ट “गांडु” कह कर दुत्कार दिया। लेकिन फिर एक दिन आलोक ने मनीष को मेहुवाला के पास झुग्गियों में रहने वाले एक लड़के से मिलवाया। लड़के का नाम गुलफाम अख्तर था और वह गांजे की पुड़िया बेचाता था। गुलफाम 50 रुपये का गांजा 100 रुपये में देता था। मनीष ने देखा कि इस व्यवसाय में 100% लाभ प्राप्त होगा। इस प्

beautiful and broken

everything beautiful was broken once, being shattered up to the point when breathing turned into an exhausting chore and existence became a nagging distress just to feel the pain and the pleasure, everything beautiful saw itself being crushed like a frail yellow autumn leaf suffocating beneath a muddy boot everything beautiful was once plagued by despair sinking in paranoia, it understood the gravity ‘cause everything beautiful had once felt too much once everything beautiful chose to shed one less tear turning that tear into an emotion it became art 'cause everything beautiful stricken with fear hid in a closet for too long and everything beautiful was once a caterpillar that crept you out ‘cause everything beautiful might not be beautiful before the metamorphosis is astonishing but the process was certainly agonizing once everything broken chose to be fearless thence, it fixed the definition of beauty and become everything beautiful *** buy my books on amazon -  redhya

Who We Are

Just like the beginning of time, we originated from a fertile place where most of us being there now fear their life. SEA. Perhaps, the first life happened deep down on ocean beds. Sea is full of mysteries; we still have to cover a lot of ground to know what goes on in deep water. Since our inception on the earth, we've spread our footprints all over it. The big bang had occurred around 13.8 billion years ago. This phenomenon created something truly fascinating and equally intriguing, a conical wave, that comprises matter and energy. We don't know whether something had occurred or existed before the creation of our observable universe. As a result, this very thought gives the infamous existential crisis or spirituality crisis to every scholar who seeks the origin of the universe. Then, the same scholar walk on the path to spirituality or science and come to know who they really are. Right now, we are inside that conical wave, riding the earth. Just like the big bang, we are tra