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Day in, day out, you work double shifts to become what you've always dreamt of becoming. Be it day or night, you always imagine yourself living that moment of success; you're on a stage, and people are clapping for you and screaming your name at the top of their voices. The moment is surreal; it brings a beautiful smile on your face. Thus, your heart starts pounding against your chest, and you feel a weird, however, exhilarating sensation all over your body as though every cell of your body were electrified. 

Suddenly, the curtains close, and you come back to reality. 

It's been weeks since you sat on a chair and did nothing. Now, you can't recall the last time when you watched a movie or had a long conversation with your friends and family. You try to make each second productive, because your dreams ask for it. You think - if you procrastinate, you're not serious about it; you're not putting your heart and soul into it. Moreover, you tell yourself everyday that your dreams are not easy to come by. If you had only a second left in your life, you'd like to spend it in writing the epilogue rather than take the last breath peacefully. Gradually, You disconnect from everyone, because they are just distractions, and you try to be focused and determined like Arjuna of Mahabharata. 

But you fail… you fail miserably.

You're exhausted. Now, you have nothing. Your dreams are crushed, and you have already left your friends and family, chasing your dreams. You have reached a place that seems strange and haunting. You can't stay there for a minute. You can't breathe, and you see yourself from a distant place, somewhere in the universe - a tiny particle. It can't do anything.

But… never, in your life, forget that you are a particle, and a particle vibrates. When you vibrate, other particles resonate.

Do you know what happens when particles resonate? 

Big Bang; the creation of cosmos 


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