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You’re a particle – a tiny particle. At this very moment, if the cosmos stopped expanding and had no light, and standing at edge, you wanted to see yourself on the earth so you threw some photons from the edge of the cosmos, you would need approximately 93 billion years to see yourself as photons would reach the earth first, and then it would get reflected back to the edge of the cosmos and enter into your corneas and your occipital lobe would create a few pictures inside your head and you would recognise yourself- you’re at the centre and at the edge.

An average human has the lifespan of 79 years; therefore, you would need approximately 10 billion lives just to see yourself from the edge of the cosmos that stopped expanding. However, in reality, the cosmos hasn’t stopped expanding yet, and it is expanding at 73 kilometres per second per megaparsec. Now, you can imagine how big the cosmos is.

A tiny particle you are, and just like everything in space, you’re a part of a chain reaction. You’re evolving and changing, for the cosmos is shaping you just like it shaped an atom billion years ago and gave something that helped the atom vibrate – energy. Keeping energy and matter constant, the cosmos is an enclosed system, which begs the question: who created energy and matter? The question is yet to be answered. In the words of Pursuit of Wonder, “If the universe follows the basic Cause and Effect principle and God created energy and matter, then who created God? You can’t create anything from nothing; there has to be something so that it can turn into something else.”

Just like an atom you’re a particle who is merely a part of multiple chain reactions. You vibrate when something vibrates you. Never being the origin of a chain reaction, you always want something that excites you and transcends you to a completely different state. Introspect your life, think about the decisions you made and the paths you chose, and see whether those decisions or paths were the origin or just the parts of some chain reactions.

This is your life; decisions you make or paths you choose are completely free will.

Always remember - you’re a particle and you created the big bang; you were the origin.

But the question is : are you the origin? 
the origin of life incepted with a particle. read my thoughts on particle and its existence - particle
