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Showing posts from July, 2020

Before Spirituality, Science Comes

Before taking the path to spirituality, feed your mind with science, and understand the cause and effect phenomenon of the universe. If you believe in some powers or energies that miraculously do events around you, then you're viewing the world from only one pov that's yours. The earth is filled with 4 quadrillion quadrillion bacterias, 10 billion billion ants, 500 trillion Antarctica krills, 18.6 billion domestic chickens, 7.8 billion humans, 1.4 billion cattle, 1.1 billion sheep, 3 million great whales, 0.5 million elephants, and many other living things and non-living things that can become a part of the cause and effect phenomenon. Your uncertainty is not god. The uncertainty of the occurrence of an event is not God. If you assume the existence of a superpower behind the occurrence of an event, then you ignore the existence of other living things and non-living things in the universe. Their existence influences the events happening around us. The human mind isn't capabl

poetry is a lie

whene'er i pick a quill, a thousand words yet to be born intone a fearless song all night long. though as the raw ink is about to defile a blank sheet, a glimpse of a papery child curling numb amidst haunting fears appears and then disappears. the child afraid of screams has poems with no words, for someone told him - verses are nothing but piercing screams. with the tongue full of papercuts, the child says -  i’m not a poet, for poetry is a lie -  some random words that evoke emotions. though, some lies help dying souls survive, as if poesy were the last breath  blown into their mouths in hope  they might revive.  i'm not a poet, because poetry is a lie -  because words can’t make any difference to bland lives.  though, some words are powerful enough  to make people throw knives  that would’ve slit their wrists,  for pain couldn't’ve sufficed their empty lives.  i'm not a poet, for poetry is a lie - these verses are arranged rhythmically,  but can't be supported by