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Showing posts from December, 2019

It's NOT Just an Idea - DTown Robotics

“It’s not just an idea” is a clause that gives the sense of incompleteness, and it also begs the question: then, what is it? It’s a notion. Learning which is taken from the life of the people who worked hard to make their lifeless idea alive. It’s ironic that when an idea is born inside you, it’s dead, but thankfully it generates an unknown energy within you. This energy is equivalent to the worth of the idea in your life, and it’s so powerful that people around you can easily feel the vibes. Only this energy can resuscitates the dead idea, and genius are those people who channelize the energy and let their ideas feed on it ravenously.  Likewise, DTown Robotics , the brainchild of Avinash Pal and Manas Upadhyay , was once an idea that would have remained dead if they hadn’t worked hard and taken a leap of faith.   An idea is just like a seed that has to survive harsh climatic conditions to undergo a metamorphosis and become a sapling. Without a strong determination to survive,

Aipan Art: Red and White Strokes of a Paint Brush

While travelling through picturesque mountains in Uttarakhand , if you ever come across patterns and geometrical shapes drawn in red and white colour at entrance of houses, on walls, and on doorsteps, then undoubtedly you’re in Kumaon . Aipan art, generally drawn in red and white, is a traditional art of Kumaon which is obviously a heavenly place. Through woods, narrow paths leading to hamlets are absolute pleasure to walk on. Being abode to beautiful temples, lakes, mountains, and native people, Kumaon is an inseparable and integral part of Uttarakhand. Being a traditional art, unfortunately Aipan art is dying slowly due to lack of admiration of youth towards the traditional art and no significance of it in youth’s life whatsoever. Like every other traditional art, it’s being forgotten by the native people. Without any major actions, this art won’t exist in the future, and people won’t even know what Aipan art is, as it hasn’t been mentioned profoundly in the history

Heart and Mind

Everyone is a genius. But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. I always thought that the author of the quote is Albert Einstein, because I saw this quote written on many pictures, which seemed to be motivating, on Social Medias with the name, “Albert Einstein”, under the quote. After doing some research, I found out that this quote wasn’t said by Albert Einstein. According to a website, which keeps record of quotes and their original authors, hasn’t found enough evidence to confirm that this quote was actually said by Albert Einstein.  Anyway. Right now, it doesn’t matter who said this, as the quote, itself, has the worth to be stand-alone, as this quote perfectly describes the education system of our country where every student is put into the same frame whether they fit in or not. This quote is a jibe at the institutions who turn humans into sad creatures who unwillingly follow instructions for the rest of

A Part of Evolution

When Homo erectus migrated from Africa, they didn’t know that they’d create a huge impact on the evolution. Certainly, this migration wasn’t planned, Homo erectus did what they had to do. They’d been living in Africa before it became hard for them to live there anymore, as they were forced by nature, animals, or other humans to evacuate the place. This small step of leaving a place became a turning point in evolution. Since the first migration, humans keep on migrating to new places for various reasons. The first migration was necessary, for it was about survival. Now, surviving is easy, so humans have other purposes in life like fulfilling desires, following passions, having power, amassing money, acquiring knowledge and so on. We are a part of evolution, and we are constantly changing mentally and biologically. Change happens as things around us change, and we change to adapt to the change around us. Sometimes, we change independently, and this change is vital for us, because the

Logic Sandwiched Betwixt Emotion and Action

Earlier, people validating and accepting tailored aspects of my personality used to make me happy. Thus, I indulged in activities I perceived to be perceived likeable by the same people. And just to be shown and admired, I let my environment govern my behaviour. However, later in my life, when I liberated myself from this conviction, I felt much better and lighter. I didn’t feel any pressure to conform to societal norms and was the least prone to anxiety. This new sense of inhibition immensely overshadowed my complying trait and turned me into rather eccentric. As a result, it was hindering me from becoming a better version of myself. Plus, it was letting me be an arrogant person, and hence inconspicuously narcissism was sprouting within me. Besides that, this novel change in my personality wasn’t instant; it gradually happened over a period of time. Damn! I wasn’t able to notice it. Afterwards, as I myself got affected by my actions (done out of self-love) resulting in countless fai

Uncomfortable Comfort

Having listened to a multitude of talks by several people on how to live comfortably, I’ve summed up their lengthy talks into a sentence: I have to live an uncomfortable life to live comfortably. This is absurd. Right? The statement doesn’t seem logical. How can we live comfortably if we live an uncomfortable life? If I say that you have to live like this your whole life, you may question my sanity. How’d you react if I said that you’d been living your life like this since a long time ago? It’s hard to understand. Just keep on reading until you reach the very end. You’ll realise that you’ve seen life from a new perspective. If someone had said this sentence to me when I was seven years old, I’m sure that I’d have said nothing but rolled my eyes at their ambiguous statement. Let me elaborate on this sentence by introducing you to a real-life situation. The situation is quite amusing, albeit sad if you look at it through my eyes. We move to a metropolitan city and work hard day and night