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To Be Yourself

A worldwide trend is taking place, and it's been heavily influencing millennials’ lives to the core. And it‘s believed that only this trend can make their lives better and save them from feeling miserable about their existences. This trend, a belief, is: To Be Yourself, and it’s the talk of the town. Everyone wants to follow this new kind of living. Huh! This is not new. It’s an extremely old way that is being promoted by people now. Some say that we have to be confident no matter what, even though you don’t feel like it - fake it till you make it. This façade makes us look smart and learned.

This thing has reached that level that now I can hear their whispers, "Be Confident. Be Confident" in my dreams too. 

But people always MISUNDERSTAND the word confidence, confident, and other forms. 

How can a person be confident if he doesn't know anything about the thing which people are asking him to be confident of? 

Only an egotist will be confident about the thing which he isn't sure of. Due to this fallacy, he will distort a beautiful fact and mold it according to his way of seeing and understanding things. Sometimes, it can be advantageous, and other times, disastrous. 

Now, let's come to the point - be yourself. 

It's not easy to be yourself. It's a very challenging task to do. It takes everything to be yourself.

Why do the people give so much stress to this statement "Be Yourself"?

Because the contentment and the true peace come when you're hundred percent yourself.

Let go of this thought that people will judge you. 

Let me tell you straightforward that people will judge you every time no matter what. It's a part of cognition and that's how humans learn. So, stop being so pissed when somebody judges you without offending you. I know that the previous statement may sound self-contradictory, but actually it's not. Some people just get offended because they are wired to feel this way and not because someone said something offensive.

In a nutshell, people are going to judge you. Period. This is the price that we all have to pay to be ourselves. 

Let go of the thought that you're being judged, because it's not going to help you. It'll only confine you to the mental walls that are made by people's expectations. The heavy weight of expectation can crush the beautiful soul inside you. 

We are humans and humans err. 

So, the next time, somebody judges you, just smile or do whatever. I don't care. 😉

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